Building a large structure, work in progress

Structural Engineering

Case Study

Further information on our Structural Engineering work for Client Project 01.

Link to Case Study

Kennedy Associates core business and expertise is Structural Design and we provide structural engineering design and project management services as part of the design team for a wide variety of commercial, industrial, housing and other building projects. Our focus is always to provide the most practical and economical structural design solution, from sub-structure to superstructure for any building project and we will always work closely with the client and design teams to achieve this goal.

We have a strong team of chartered project engineers, design engineers and engineering technicians with significant experience in a large variety of projects and structural solutions. We have invested in one of the world’s leading Structural Design software packages “ Master Series “ and all our staff receive regular training in the use of this software and associated innovative upgrades. All our Engineers are provided with CPD ( Continuous Professional Development ) training and are sent on training courses regularly to ensure that they are fully briefed on any new innovative structural engineering solutions and building products . We also use the world’s leading Lattice Structural Design and Analysis software package “ MS Tower “ to enable us provide Structural Analysis and Design Services for Lattice Towers and Monopoles particularly for the Telecommunications Sector.